Ulcer Gone With Boodida Gummadi

Ulcer Gone With Boodida Gummadi
Ulcer Gone With Boodida Gummadi

  1. Cooked Boodida Gummadi pieces 1cup
  2. Jeera1/2tsp
  3. Mustered1/2tsp
  4. Gingle oil  1tbsp
  5. Pepper powder1/2tsp
  6. Pinch of turmeric
  7. Pinch of saindava lavanam
  8. Coconut great 1tbsp
  9. Curd ½ cup
  10. Curry leaves 6


  1. Take a mud pan heat gingle oil add jeera,musteredseeds,pinch of turmeric ,curry leaves fry few seconds.
  2. Add cooked Boodida Gummadi pieces,saindava lavanam.
  3. Add Coconut great.
  4. Switch of the flame add curd.
  5. serve